In The Press

May 31, 2024
Justice for Armani Morgan: Dallas VOice
Seven years after Armani Morgan went missing and was later found dead, his family, led by his aunt Robin Johnson, continues to seek answers regarding his case. Morgan, a 27-year-old gay Black man, disappeared in 2017 after allegedly experiencing a series of assaults and stalkings. Despite evidence suggesting suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, including conflicting reports and a lack of forensic testing, the Dallas Police Department initially dismissed his death as an overdose. In addition to the family’s efforts, Jolynn Rice, who founded Cold Case Advocacy, has been instrumental in highlighting the systemic issues surrounding cases like Armani Morgan’s. Rice emphasizes the importance of advocacy for victims, particularly those from marginalized communities, who often face greater challenges in getting attention and resources for their cases. She points out that the lack of resources and direction for families of victims can prolong their wait for closure, underscoring the need for more active engagement and support from law enforcement agencies. Rice’s organization works to amplify the voices of families and advocates for the allocation of resources to aid in solving cold cases. She believes that with increased attention and the leveraging of new technologies, progress can be made in advancing investigations like Armani Morgan’s. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, Johnson remains determined to seek justice for her nephew, pushing for the reclassification of his death as a homicide and advocating for the establishment of a dedicated cold case homicide unit in Dallas.

January 24, 2024
Explaining Crime: What I do
Aaron Jacklin- Explaining Crime, an independent newsletter that helps you explain crime to your audience.
What I Do is a weekly Explaining Crime series that features a single person in the crime content space and their answers to a set series of questions about what they do. The “crime content space” includes crime news, narrative nonfiction, investigative journalism, academia, advocacy, and, of course, true crime. Accordingly, What I Do will feature a wide variety of people, including academics, journalists, podcasters, authors, advocates, YouTubers, and more.

March 9, 2023
Local Organization Wants to Pass Kristin’s Law

Appearance on CrimeDoor TV

Method and Madness Releases True Crime Podcast on the Murder of Kristin O’Connell

Kidnapped & Murdered: Nancy Eagleson | LordanArts Uncovered Ep. 10

It’s been 10 years since the killing of Karen Canestaro; family still looking for answers

RI Woman Believes Mother’s Death Is Unsolved Homicide - Says New Info Should Reopen Case

Lawyer Files Motion to Exhume Nancy Eagleson Remains More Than 60 Years After Her Murder